Bibliography – Sorted by Date

Selected DH research and resources bearing on, or utilized by, the WE1S project.
(all) Distant Reading | Cultural Analytics | | Sociocultural Approaches | Topic Modeling in DH | Non-consumptive Use

Viola, Lorella, and Paul Spence, eds. Multilingual Digital Humanities. Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge, 2023. Cite
AI Forensics. “Home Page,” 2023. Cite
Heller, Nathan. “The End of the English Major.” The New Yorker, 2023. Cite
Thomas, Lindsay, and Abigail Droge. “What We Learned About the Humanities from a Study of Thousands of Newspaper Articles.” Journal of Cultural Analytics, May 24, 2022, 139–44. Cite
Kirilloff, Gabi. “Computation as Context: New Approaches to the Close/Distant Reading Debate.” College Literature 49, no. 1 (2022): 1–25. Cite
Liu, Alan. “WhatEver1Says: The Humanities in Public Discourse.” Presented at the National Humanities Conference, Los Angeles, 2022. Cite
Liu, Alan. “WhatEver1Says: The Humanities in Public Discourse.” Presented at the Humanities & Fine Arts Digital Humanities Showcase, UC Santa Barbara, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2022. Cite
Liu, Alan, Abigail Droge, Scott Kleinman, Lindsay Thomas, Dan C. Baciu, and Jeremy Douglass. “What Everyone Says: Public Perceptions of the Humanities in the Media.” Daedalus 151, no. 3 (2022): 19–39. Cite
Townsend, Robert B., and Norman Marshall Bradburn. “The State of the Humanities circa 2022.” Daedalus 151, no. 3 (2022): 11–17. Cite
Berkowitz, Carin, Norman Marshall Bradburn, and Robert B. Townsend, eds. The Humanities in American Life: Transforming the Relationship with the Public. Vol. 151, No. 3. Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2022. Cite
AAUP. “The Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession, 2021-22.” Washington, D.C.: American Association of University Professors, 2022. Cite
Thomas, Lindsay, and Abigail Droge. “The Humanities in Public: A Computational Analysis of US National and Campus Newspapers.” Journal of Cultural Analytics 7, no. 1 (2022): 36–80. Cite
Liu, Alan. “What Everyone Says about the Humanities.” MLA Newsletter 54, no. 1 (2022): 1, 4–5. Cite
Thomas, Lindsay. “The ‘Big Humanities’: Collaboration and Team-Based Open Research in DH.” Presented at the Bridging the “Two Cultures”: Interdisciplinary, Public, and Digital Humanities Approaches to STS, March 4, 2021. Cite
Shadrova, Anna. “Topic Models Do Not Model Topics: Epistemological Remarks and Steps towards Best Practices.” Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities 2021 (2021). Cite
Zhang, Yu, Peter Tiňo, Aleš Leonardis, and Ke Tang. “A Survey on Neural Network Interpretability.” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 5, no. 5 (2021): 726–42. Cite
Liu, Alan. “What Everyone Says About the Humanities: The Challenge Posed by the Public Perception of the Humanities in the Media.” Presented at the Authors’ meeting for contributors to a special issue of the Daedalus journal on “The Humanities in American Life.", 2021. Cite
Liu, Alan. “WhatEvery1Says: Data Mining Media Coverage of the Humanities.” The Education University of Hong Kong, 2021. Cite
Liu, Alan. “Research-Based Humanities Advocacy: 4Humanities.Org and the WhatEvery1Says Project.” Presented at the 25Humans For the Humanities group, Goethe University, Frankfurt, 2021. Cite
Reitter, Paul, and Chad Wellmon. Permanent Crisis: The Humanities in a Disenchanted Age. Chicago ; London: University Of Chicago Press, 2021. Cite
Liu, Alan. “WhatEvery1Says: Data Mining Media Coverage of the Humanities.” Presented at the Digital Tools for Interdisciplinary Humanities Research Workshop Series, UC Merced Public Humanities Design Studio, University of California, Merced, 2021. Cite
Open Lab Notebooks. “Home Page.”, 2021. Cite
Dickson, Ben. “A New Technique Called ‘Concept Whitening’ Promises to Provide Neural Network Interpretability.” VentureBeat (blog), 2021. Cite
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. “Humanities in American Life Survey,” 2020. Cite
Kapadia, Shashank. “Evaluate Topic Models: Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).” Medium, 2020. Cite
Lee, Ashley S., Poom Chiarawongse, Jo Guldi, and Andras Zsom. “The Role of Critical Thinking in Humanities Infrastructure: The Pipeline Concept with a Study of HaToRI (Hansard Topic Relevance Identifier).” Digital Humanities Quarterly 14, no. 3 (2020). Cite
Klein, Lauren F. “Dimensions of Scale: Invisible Labor, Editorial Work, and the Future of Quantitative Literary Studies.” PMLA 135, no. 1 (2020): 23–39. Cite
Pardo-Guerra, Juan Pablo. “Doing Things with Bags-of-Words.” Scatterplot (blog), 2020. Cite
Lee, James Jaehoon, and Joshua Beckelhimer. “Anthropocene and Empire: Discourse Networks of the Human Record.” PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 135, no. 1 (2020): 110–29. Cite
Allen, Colin, and Jaimie Murdock. “LDA Topic Modeling: Contexts for the History & Philosophy of Science.” Preprint, 2020. Cite
Smith, Gary, and Jay Cordes. The Phantom Pattern Problem: The Mirage of Big Data. First edition. Oxford ; New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020. Cite
Humanities Indicators. “The Humanities in American Life: Insights from a 2019 Survey of the Public’s Attitudes & Engagement.” Washington, D.C: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2020. Cite
Liu, Alan. “Toward a Diversity Stack: Digital Humanities and Diversity as Technical Problem.” PMLA 135, no. 1 (2020): 130–51. Cite
Baker, Rebecca. “Using Grounded Theory to Construct the WE1S Hand-Codebook.” WE1S (blog), 2020. Cite
Droge, Abigail. “WE1S to Develop ‘Research-to-Action Toolkits.’” WE1S (blog), 2020. Cite
Droge, Abigail. “Reading Communities: The Social Life of Literature in a Time of Social Distancing.” WE1S (blog), 2020. Cite
Foley, Helen. “My Journey to the Digital Humanities: The Story of a Double Major.” WE1S (blog), 2020. Cite
Singer, Kevin, Matt Mayhew, and Aylyssa Rockenbach. “Why Are Asian Students Leaving the Humanities?” AsAmNews (blog), 2020. Cite
Liu, Alan. “Humans in the Loop: Humanities Hermeneutics and Machine Learning.” Presented at the DHd2020 (7th Annual Conference of the German Society for Digital Humanities), University of Paderborn, 2020. Cite
Fidotta, Giuseppe, Joshua Neves, and Joaquin Serpe. Media Populism. Vol. 19. Culture Machine, 2020. Cite
Heaven, Will Douglass. “AI Is Wrestling with a Replication Crisis.” MIT Technology Review, 2020. Cite
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. “Home with the Humanities: American Engagement during the Pandemic.” American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 2020. Cite
Miller, Theresa L., Emilie L’Hôte, and Andrew Volmert. “Communicating about History: Challenges, Opportunities, and Emerging Recommendations.” Washington, D.C.: Frameworks Institute, 2020. Cite
Koenzen, Andreas, Neil Ernst, and Margaret-Anne Storey. “Code Duplication and Reuse in Jupyter Notebooks.” ArXiv:2005.13709 [Cs], 2020. Cite
Chattopadhyay, Souti, Ishita Prasad, Austin Z. Henley, Anita Sarma, and Titus Barik. “What’s Wrong with Computational Notebooks? Pain Points, Needs, and Design Opportunities.” In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–12. CHI ’20. Honolulu, HI, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020. Cite
DePratti, Roland. “Jupyter Notebooks versus a Textbook in a Big Data Course.” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 35, no. 8 (2020): 208–20. Cite
Willis, Alistair, Patricia Charlton, and Tony Hirst. “Developing Students’ Written Communication Skills with Jupyter Notebooks.” In Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1089–95. SIGCSE ’20. Portland, OR, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020. Cite
BBC Media Centre. “Trusted News Initiative (TNI) Steps up Global Fight against Disinformation with New Focus on US Presidential Election.” BBC News, 2020. Cite
Society of American Archivists. “What Are Archives?” Society of American Archivists, 2020. Cite
Society of American Archivists. “Home Page.” Society of American Archivists, 2020. Cite