Global Humanities | History of Humanities | Liberal Arts | Humanities and Higher Education | Humanities as Research Activity | Humanities Teaching & Curricula | Humanities and the Sciences | Medical Humanities | Public Humanities | Humanities Advocacy | Humanities and Social Groups | Value of Humanities | Humanities and Economic Value | Humanities Funding | Humanities Statistics | Humanities Surveys | "Crisis" of the Humanities
Humanities Organizations: Humanities Councils (U.S.) | Government Agencies | Foundations | Scholarly Associations
Humanities in: Africa | Asia (East) | Asia (South) | Australasia | Europe | Latin America | Middle East | North America: Canada - Mexico - United States | Scandinavia | United Kingdom
Lists of News Sources | Databases with News Archives | History of Journalism | Journalism Studies | Journalism Statistics | Journalism Organizations | Student Journalism | Data Journalism | Media Frames (analyzing & changing media narratives using "frame theory") | Media Bias | Fake News | Journalism and Minorities | Journalism and Women | Press Freedom | News & Social Media
Corpus Representativeness
Comparison paradigms for idea of a corpus: Archives as Paradigm | Canons as Paradigm | Editions as Paradigm | Corpus Linguistics as Paradigm
Artificial Intelligence | Big Data | Data Mining | Data Notebooks (Jupyter Notebooks) | Data Visualization (see also Topic Model Visualizations) | Hierarchical Clustering | Interpretability & Explainability (see also Topic Model Interpretation) | Mapping | Natural Language Processing | Network Analysis | Open Science | Reporting & Documentation Methods | Reproducibility | Sentiment Analysis | Social Media Analysis | Statistical Methods | Text Analysis (see also Topic Modeling) | Text Classification | Wikification | Word Embedding & Vector Semantics
Topic Modeling (all)
Selected DH research and resources bearing on, or utilized by, the WE1S project.
Distant Reading | Cultural Analytics | | Sociocultural Approaches | Topic Modeling in DH | Non-consumptive Use
Searchable version of bibliography on Zotero site
For WE1S developers: Biblio style guide | Biblio collection form (suggest additions) | WE1S Bibliography Ontology Outline
Humanities and social groups
Liu, Alan. “Toward a Diversity Stack: Digital Humanities and Diversity as Technical Problem.” PMLA 135, no. 1 (2020): 130–51. https://doi.org/10.1632/pmla.2020.135.1.130. Cite
Singer, Kevin, Matt Mayhew, and Aylyssa Rockenbach. “Why Are Asian Students Leaving the Humanities?” AsAmNews (blog), 2020. https://asamnews.com/2020/06/09/asian-students-in-humanities-struggle-to-get-their-parents-to-accept-their-major/. Cite
Burtner, Susan (Su), and Giorgina Paiella. “Mapping HSIs, HBCUs, Women’s Colleges, and Tribal Colleges.” WE1S (blog), 2019. https://we1s.ucsb.edu/research_post/mapping-hsis-hbcus-womens-colleges-and-tribal-colleges/. Cite
Burtner, Susan (Su), and Giorgina Paiella. “Word Embeddings of College and University Mission Statements: Preliminary Findings.” WE1S (blog), 2019. https://we1s.ucsb.edu/research_post/word-embeddings-of-college-and-university-mission-statements-preliminary-findings/. Cite
Wang, Carrie. “Why Do Most Asian Students Pursue ‘practical’ Majors?” The Chronicle (Duke U.), 2019. https://www.dukechronicle.com/article/2019/11/duke-university-major-selection-asian-americans. Cite
Arghavan, Mahmoud, ed. Who Can Speak and Who Is Heard/Hurt? Facing Problems of Race, Racism and Ethnic Diversity in the Humanities in Germany. Kultur Und Soziale Praxis. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2019. Cite
Arghavan, Mahmoud, ed. Who Can Speak and Who Is Heard/Hurt? Facing Problems of Race, Racism and Ethnic Diversity in the Humanities in Germany. Kultur Und Soziale Praxis. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2019. Cite
Paiella, Giorgina. “Thoughts on Diversity in the Archive.” WE1S (blog), 2018. https://we1s.ucsb.edu/research_post/thoughts-on-diversity-in-the-archive/. Cite
Brummet, Joyce McGee, Colleen Tripp, and Katie Wolf. “Media Representation and Diverse Populations.” WE1S (blog), 2018. https://we1s.ucsb.edu/research_post/media-representation-and-diverse-populations/. Cite
Fernandez, Frank. “Understanding the (Sub)Baccalaureate Origins of Latina/o Doctorates in Education, Humanities, and Social Science Fields.” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 40, no. 2 (2018): 115–33. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739986318765639. Cite
Lowinger, Robert, and Hyun-a Song. “Factors Associated with Asian American Students’ Choice of STEM Major.” Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 54, no. 4 (2017): 415–28. https://doi.org/10.1080/19496591.2017.1345754. Cite
Banner, Olivia. “Structural Racism and Practices of Reading in the Medical Humanities.” Literature and Medicine 34, no. 1 (2016): 25–52. https://doi.org/10.1353/lm.2016.0001. Cite
Gasman, Marybeth. “Don’t Give Up on the Humanities.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2010. Internet Archive. https://web.archive.org/web/20101224063620/http://chronicle.com/blogs/innovations/don%E2%80%99t-give-up-on-the-humanities/28200. Cite
Severino, Carol. “Review: ‘We Are Not All the Same’: Latino Students, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and the Need to Reform Rhetoric and Composition.” College Composition and Communication 60, no. 4 (2009): W137–45. Cite
Gates, Henry Louis. Loose Canons: Notes on the Culture Wars. 1. issued as an Oxford Univ. Press paperback. Oxford Paperbacks. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993. Cite