Bibliography – Humanities Surveys

Selected DH research and resources bearing on, or utilized by, the WE1S project.
(all) Distant Reading | Cultural Analytics | | Sociocultural Approaches | Topic Modeling in DH | Non-consumptive Use

Townsend, Robert B., and Norman Marshall Bradburn. “The State of the Humanities circa 2022.” Daedalus 151, no. 3 (2022): 11–17. Cite
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. “Humanities in American Life Survey,” 2020. Cite
Humanities Indicators. “The Humanities in American Life: Insights from a 2019 Survey of the Public’s Attitudes & Engagement.” Washington, D.C: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2020. Cite
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. “Home with the Humanities: American Engagement during the Pandemic.” American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 2020. Cite
Humanities Indicators. “Higher Education Surveys.” American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2020. Cite
National Humanities Alliance. “Study the Humanities: Share Your Institution’s Strategies (Survey),” 2019. Cite
Muir, Scott. “Surveying the Humanities.” National Humanities Alliance, 2019. Cite