Metadata Tags for WE1S Document Sources

After gathering documents from newspapers and other media sources for its collections of materials, WE1S assigns metadata tags to many of the publication sources that put them in categories–e.g., which regions of the U.S or world the publications are from; whether a source is a student newspaper (and, if so, from what kind of university); whether a source has a self-identified association with a political, racial/ethnic, or other group; or what kind of medium the source publishes in.

Use the “Select Tag” menu below to choose a tag such as “region/US/Midwest” or “education/institution/US public college” to see what publications in our sources are in those categories. This gives a quick sense of the kinds of sources in our corpus. The main use of these tags, however, is to assist researchers who download our datasets about gathered materials–term frequency counts, etc. (with no readable plain text due to copyright and other restrictions)–in analysis work. For example, our tags make it possible to ask such research questions as: “is a specific topic in a topic model most associated with news sources from the U.S. West or South, or with public or private universities?”

Note:: Title = Publication title | Name = version of name in WE1S data | Aliases = versions of publication title (may be multiple)

title name country language aliases
College Media Network: Media network college college-media-network US en College Media Network: Media network college, College Media Network: Media network college
College Standard Magazine college-standard-magazine US en College Standard Magazine
The Arbiter the-arbiter US en The Arbiter
The Athenian the-athenian CA en The Athenian
The Austin Student the-austin-student US en The Austin Student
The Collegian the-collegian US en The Collegian
The Current the-current US en The Current
The Observer the-observer US en The Observer
The Sentinel the-sentinel US en The Sentinel
The Vista the-vista US en The Vista
The Washington Daily the-washington-daily US en The Washington Daily u-loop-com US en,
The Voice voice US en The Voice
Wyoming Independent wyoming-independent US en Wyoming Independent