Bibliography – Sociocultural Approaches in Digital Humanities

Selected DH research and resources bearing on, or utilized by, the WE1S project.
(all) Distant Reading | Cultural Analytics | | Sociocultural Approaches | Topic Modeling in DH | Non-consumptive Use

Thomas, Lindsay, and Abigail Droge. “The Humanities in Public: A Computational Analysis of US National and Campus Newspapers.” Journal of Cultural Analytics 7, no. 1 (2022): 36–80. Cite
Klein, Lauren F. “Dimensions of Scale: Invisible Labor, Editorial Work, and the Future of Quantitative Literary Studies.” PMLA 135, no. 1 (2020): 23–39. Cite
Rambsy, Howard. “African American Scholars and the Margins of DH.” PMLA 135, no. 1 (2020): 152–58. Cite
Lavin, Matthew J. “Gender Dynamics and Critical Reception: A Study of Early 20th-Century Book Reviews from The New York Times.” Journal of Cultural Analytics, 2020. Cite
Bourrier, Karen, and Mike Thelwall. “The Social Lives of Books: Reading Victorian Literature on Goodreads.” Journal of Cultural Analytics, 2020, 12049. Cite
Jofre, Ana, Josh Cole, Vincent Berardi, Carl Bennett, and Michael Reale. “What’s in a Face? Gender Representation of Faces in Time, 1940s-1990s.” Journal of Cultural Analytics, 2020. Cite
Journal of Cultural Analytics. “Home Page,” 2020. Cite
So, Richard Jean, and Edwin Roland. “Race and Distant Reading.” PMLA 135, no. 1 (2020): 59–73. Cite
African American History, Culture & Digital Humanities (AADHum). “Home Page.” African American History, Culture & Digital Humanities, 2020. Cite
Ortega, Élika. “Media and Cultural Hybridity in the Digital Humanities.” PMLA 135, no. 1 (2020): 159–64. Cite
So, Richard Jean, Hoyt Long, and Yuancheng Zhu. “Race, Writing, and Computation: Racial Difference and the US Novel, 1880-2000.” Journal of Cultural Analytics, 2019. Cite
Schweitzer, Ivy, and Gordon Henry. “Afterlives of Indigenous Archives.” Afterlives of Indigenous Archives: Essays in Honor of the Occom Circle, 2019. Cite
Guiliano, Jennifer, and Carolyn Heitman. “Difficult Heritage and the Complexities of Indigenous Data.” Journal of Cultural Analytics, 2019, 1041. Cite
Ward, Megan, and Adrian S Wisnicki. “The Archive After Theory.” In Debates in the Digital Humanities 2019. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019. Cite
Lee, James Jaehoon, Blaine Greteman, Jason Lee, and David Eichmann. “Linked Reading: Digital Historicism and Early Modern Discourses of Race around Shakespeare’s Othello.” Journal of Cultural Analytics, 2018. Cite
Underwood, William E., David Bamman, and Sabrina Lee. “The Transformation of Gender in English-Language Fiction.” Journal of Cultural Analytics, 2018. Cite
Gallon, Kim. “Making a Case for the Black Digital Humanities.” In Debates in the Digital Humanities 2016, 42–49. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016. Cite
Fiormonte, Domenico. “Toward a Cultural Critique of Digital Humanities.” In Debaes in the Digital Humanities. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016. Cite
Risam, Roopika. “Diasporizing the Digital Humanities: Displacing the Center and Periphery.” International Journal of E-Politics 7, no. 3 (2016): 65–78. Cite
Risam, Roopika. “South Asian Digital Humanities: An Overview.” South Asian Review 36, no. 3 (2015): 161–75. Cite
Schweitzer, Ivy. “Native Sovereignty and the Archive: Samson Occom and Digital Humanities.” Resources for American Literary Study 38 (2015): 21–52. Cite
Kim, David J. “Archives, Models, and Methods for Critical Approaches to Identities: Representing Race and Ethnicity in the Digital Humanities.” UCLA, 2015. Cite
Galina Russell, Isabel. “Geographical and Linguistic Diversity in the Digital Humanities.” Literary and Linguistic Computing 29, no. 3 (2014): 307–16. Cite
Sherratt, Tim. “‘A Map and Some Pins’: Open Data and Unlimited Horizons.” Invisible Australians (blog), 2013. Cite
Terman, Rochelle. “Black Studies and Digital Humanities: Perils and Promise.” ownsend Center for the Humanities, 2012. Cite
Mcpherson, Tara. “Why Are the Digital Humanities So White? Or Thinking the Histories of Race and Computation.” In Debates in the Digital Humanities 2012, 139–60. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012. Cite
Liu, Alan. “Where Is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?” Debates in the Digital Humanities, 2012. Cite